Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So Unfair!

Today there is a Winter Storm Warning (this is how they say it on the news, capitalized and boldface) that stretches from the tip of Maine to the Ohio River Valley. Ice storms and feet of snow await. Over 500 schools in the Boston area are closed today. Every school in Windsor County is closed today except...ours! W was fit to be tied as I bundled him out the door for the bus. In fact, as we were waiting at the bus stop, a nice lady even stopped her car to inform me that "school is closed." "Yes," I replied, "only, not ours." This made W even madder. Waving at his sad/mad little face in the window I did kind of feel bad for him. But when I walked in the house I did a little dance of joy because I don't have to go anywhere today. So you know what that means: Snow Day! We'll have some fun at home and let the bus do the driving. And all this snow means great snowmobiling on Saturday. So bring on the Winter Storm, we'll do our best to enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Little Late But...

Yoda Soda, Tie Fighters and Find the Jedi game

Dark Side Cupcakes with Vader and Rebel Cupcakes with Lego Luke

Cool masks: R2, Grievous, Obi Wan and Padme

Making Padawan Pizza

Jedi Lightsaber Training

I know it's a little late but these are some pictures from A's birthday party in November. Poor middle child, always neglected, right?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The New Word Around Here--"Bling Bling"

Yeah, I know I haven't been posting much these last three weeks. Want to know why? This is why:Thanks, Mom and Dad, for coming to visit this Christmas, staying three weeks, organizing my kitchen, spoiling my kids, fixing the basement and teaching us how to Pimp Rabbids. Bling Bling to you too.