Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sunburn on my shin

This is the obligatory "It's so hot here we're melting" post. The heat and humidity these last few days were just BRUTAL. I felt so sorry for our poor friends visiting from Park City, Utah where it was a cool 48 degrees. At least they could hang out in our basement which was slightly cooler than the rest of the house. But of course the air conditioning in the car is broken with a $600 repair bill so that fix isn't happening. Besides, with the cost of gas, who can afford air conditioning? This is how we coped with the heat in order to not melt:
on Saturday: let the kids go shopping wearing nothing but underwear. Also, spent the entire afternoon playing in the water in our new Boogie Boards. Very fun in the current.
on Sunday: gave up on sitting in church with no fans or a/c and three little kids. Went for a walk on the lawn instead. I have to admit, I preferred it that way, too! Spent the rest of the afternoon in the basement.
on Monday:sweated, sweated, sweated. Hey, at least it's one way to lose weight, right? I think we actually ran out of ice in the ice maker. Slept in the basement again.
on Tuesday: Thank goodness for rainstorms! We had some really wild weather with tornado warnings and major thunder and lightning. The best part? No more humidity! Hooray!
I think we can all agree that summer is here with a vengeance!