Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This was a funny story from April or May that I wanted to remember. After Eric had his job interview with Sandia, his mind was totally on Albuquerque and moving to Albuquerque. I think, mentally, he'd already left. So, one day as I was getting the kids ready for school, he called to check on how I was doing. I asked him to give me the weather forecast for the day so I'd know what clothes to put on the kids. He said something like, "Oh, it's going to be a beautiful day in Vermont. Really sunny, high in the 70s." We were both surprised at that forecast since it was gray and cold and drizzly outside, which fact I mentioned. He said, "Well, it'll probably clear up soon." So I dressed all the kids in shorts, sandals and sweaters, thinking it was going to clear up and warm up any minute and sent them off to school.

An hour later it started to snow.

I don't know what those teachers must have thought of me sending them to school in shorts and sandals and no coats. They couldn't go outside for recess because they were freezing. Poor kids.

And where did that beautiful forecast exist, you wonder? That's right: Albuquerque.

NOT Vermont!


Crusty said...

Poor kids! Being inside for recess sucks!