Monday, December 29, 2008

If Only...

At church a few weeks ago the kids made Christmas cards in their little classes. I stuck mine in my bag and forgot about it. Yesterday, I pulled the card out while cleaning the junk out of my bag. It was from A, a very sweet card. I thanked him and expressed delight in the beauty of the card, of course. He told me "and I made one for the guys who are fighting." It took me a minute to realize he meant guys who are fighting in the war as I remembered that the Primary kids had sent a care package to a soldier and his unit which, I guess, included cards. "So," A continued, "is the fighting over?" "No sweetie," I replied, "I'm afraid the war is still on." He got the saddest look on his face and said in a small voice, "You card didn't work?"

Out of the mouths of babes. If only a child's card wishing for Peace at Christmas time was enough.